Coordination Bodies of Switzerland Higher Education

The Switzerland's higher education is coordinated by several apex bodies. These bodies are responsible for quality standards, higher education recognition and International cooperation. Here given list of important apex bodies for higher education in Switzerland.


The universities, the universities of applied sciences and the universities of teacher education in Switzerland have set up the association swissuniversities. This association aims to bring together the three rectors' conferences to a united conference: The Rector's Conference of the Swiss universities, the Rectors' Conference of the Swiss Universities of Applied Sciences, and the Swiss Conference of Rectors of Universities of Teacher Education.  It aims to strengthen the cooperation among Swiss universities, universities of applied sciences and universities of teacher education as well as their coordination at the national and international level. For more details see Official Website of Swissuniversities

Swiss University Conference (SUC)

The Swiss University Conference is the joint governance of the cantons and the Confederation for university politics. SUC issues directives on the duration of the course of studies, evaluation of education and research and knowledge transfer in research, awards project-specific grants, recognition of academic bodies and courses. For more details see

Swiss Conference of Cantonal Ministers of Education (EDK)

The Swizz Conference of Cantonal Ministries of Education is a political body comprising of the 26 cantonal ministries of education whose primary responsibility is the coordination of education at the national level. Legally binding, inter-cantonal agreements known as concordats form the basis for the work of the EDK. For more details see

State Secretariat for Education, Research and Innovation (SERI)

The State Secretariat for Education and Research (SER) in Bern is the national body responsible for the development of political guidelines and strategies for the universities, negotiation of international cooperation and treaties, coordination of national educational policies at all levels, space affairs, general education and funding and grants. For more details see

The Swiss National Science Foundation (SNSF)

The Swiss National Science Foundation (SNSF) is the Swiss institute for the advancement of scientific research. The SNSF underpins all disciplines be it history, medicine, philosophy or any other and is open to scientists and academics of all nationalities working in Switzerland. For more details see
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